Source code for blargs

#  Copyright (c) 2011, Karl Gyllstrom
#  All rights reserved.
#  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
#  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#  1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
#     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#  2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
#     this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
#     and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#     The views and conclusions contained in the software and documentation are
#     those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing
#     official policies, either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project.

from __future__ import print_function

import os
import operator
from functools import partial, wraps
from itertools import starmap, permutations
import sys

if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
    iterkeys = lambda x: x.keys()
    iteritems = lambda x: x.items()
    isstring = lambda x: isinstance(x, str)
    from urllib.parse import urlparse
    xrange = range
    import configparser as cpars
    iterkeys = lambda x: x.iterkeys()
    iteritems = lambda x: x.iteritems()
    isstring = lambda x: isinstance(x, basestring)
    from urlparse import urlparse
    import ConfigParser as cpars

#def iterkeys(

def _ConfigCaster(f):
    cfp = cpars.ConfigParser()
    for sec in cfp.sections():
        for key, value in cfp.items(sec):
            yield key, value

def _RangeCaster(value):
    def raise_error():
        raise FormatError(('%s is not range format: N:N+i, N-N+i, or N'
                + ' N+i') % value)

    splitter = None
    for char in (' :-'):
        if char in value:
            splitter = char

    if splitter:
        toks = value.split(splitter)
        toks = [value]

    if not (1 <= len(toks) <= 3):
        return xrange(*[int(y) for y in toks])
    except ValueError:

class _DirectoryOpenerCaster(object):
    def __init__(self, create):
        self._create = create

    def __call__(self, name):
        if not os.path.exists(name):
            if self._create:
                return name
            raise IOError('%s does not exist' % name)

        if not os.path.isdir(name):
            raise IOError('%s is not directory' % name)

        return name

def _FileOpenerCaster(mode=None, buffering=None):
    kw = {}
    if mode is not None:
        kw['mode'] = mode
    if buffering is not None:
        kw['buffering'] = buffering

    return partial(open, **kw)

# ---------- decorators ---------- #

def _names_to_options(f):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        new_args = []
        for arg in args[1:]:
            if isstring(arg):
                arg = args[0]._options[arg]


        return f(*[args[0]] + new_args, **kwargs)

    return inner

def _options_to_names(f):
    ''' Convert any :class:`Option`s to names. '''

    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        new_args = []
        for arg in args[1:]:
            if isinstance(arg, Option) and not isinstance(arg, Group):
                arg = arg.argname


        return f(*[args[0]] + new_args, **kwargs)

    return inner

def _verify_args_exist(f):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        def raise_error(name):
            raise ValueError('%s not known' % name)

        self = args[0]
        for arg in args[1:]:
            if isstring(arg) and arg not in self._readers:

        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return inner

def _localize_all(f):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        args = list(args)
        self = args[0]
        new_args = []
        for arg in args[1:]:
            if isstring(arg):
                arg = self._localize(arg)
        args[1:] = new_args
        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return inner

def localize(f):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        args = list(args)
        self = args[0]
#        args[1:] = [self._localize(x) for x in args[1]]
        args[1] = self._localize(args[1])

        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return inner

# ---------- end decorators ---------- #

# ---------- exceptions ---------- #

[docs]class ArgumentError(ValueError): ''' Root class of all arguments that are thrown due to user input which violates a rule set by the parser. In other words, errors of this type should be caught and communicated to the user some how. The default behavior is to signal the particular error and show the `usage`.''' pass
[docs]class FormatError(ArgumentError): ''' Argument not formatted correctly. ''' pass
class ConditionError(ArgumentError): ''' Condition not met. ''' def __init__(self, argname, condition): self.argname = argname self.condition = condition def __str__(self): return '%s required unless %s' % (self.argname, self.condition)
[docs]class MissingRequiredArgumentError(ArgumentError): ''' Required argument not specified. ''' def __init__(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, Option): arg = arg.argname super(MissingRequiredArgumentError, self).__init__( 'No value passed for %s' % arg)
[docs]class ManyAllowedNoneSpecifiedArgumentError(ArgumentError): ''' An argument out of a list of required is missing. e.g., one of -a and -b is required and neither is specified. ''' def __init__(self, allowed): super(ManyAllowedNoneSpecifiedArgumentError, self).__init__(('[%s] not' + ' specified') % ', '.join(sorted(map(str, allowed))))
[docs]class UnspecifiedArgumentError(ArgumentError): ''' User supplies argument that isn't specified. ''' def __init__(self, arg): super(UnspecifiedArgumentError, self).__init__('illegal option %s' % arg)
[docs]class MultipleSpecifiedArgumentError(ArgumentError): ''' Multiple of the same argument specified. ''' pass
[docs]class DependencyError(ArgumentError): ''' User specified an argument that requires another, unspecified argument. ''' def __init__(self, arg1, arg2): super(DependencyError, self).__init__('%s requires %s' % (arg1, arg2))
[docs]class ConflictError(ArgumentError): ''' User specified an argument that conflicts another specified argument. ''' def __init__(self, offender1, offender2): super(ConflictError, self).__init__('%s conflicts with %s' % (offender1, offender2))
class FailedConditionError(ArgumentError): ''' Condition failed. ''' pass class MissingValueError(ArgumentError): ''' Argument flag specified without value. ''' pass class InvalidEnumValueError(ArgumentError): ''' Enum value provided not allowed. ''' pass # ---------- end exceptions ---------- # class Condition(object): def __init__(self): self._other_conditions = [] self._and = True self._neg = False def copy(self): c = self.__new__(self.__class__) c._other_conditions = self._other_conditions[:] c._and = self._and c._neg = self._neg return c def __neg__(self): c = self.copy() c._neg = True return c def _inner_satisfied(self, parsed): raise NotImplementedError def and_(self, condition): if not self._and: raise ValueError('and/or both specified') c = self.copy() c._other_conditions.append(condition) return c def or_(self, condition): c = self.copy() c._other_conditions.append(condition) c._and = False return c def _is_satisfied(self, parsed): def _inner(): for n in self._other_conditions: if not n._is_satisfied(parsed): if self._and: return False elif not self._and: return True return self._inner_satisfied(parsed) result = _inner() if self._neg: result = not result return result class CallableCondition(Condition): def __init__(self, call, main, other): super(CallableCondition, self).__init__() self._call = call self._main = main self._other = other def copy(self): c = super(CallableCondition, self).copy() c._call = self._call c._main = self._main c._other = self._other return c def _inner_satisfied(self, parsed): newargs = [] for arg in (self._main, self._other): if isinstance(arg, Option): newargs.append(parsed.get(arg.argname)) else: newargs.append(arg) return self._call(*newargs) def __repr__(self): x = self._main.argname names = {operator.le: '<=', '<', '>', '>=', operator.eq: '==', '!='} x += ' ' + names[self._call] + ' ' + str(self._other) return x
[docs]class Option(Condition): def __init__(self, argname, parser): ''' Do not construct directly, as it will not be tethered to a :class:`Parser` object and thereby will not be handled in argument parsing. ''' super(Option, self).__init__() self.argname = argname self._parser = parser self._conditions = [] def copy(self): c = super(Option, self).copy() c.argname = self.argname c._parser = self._parser c._conditions = self._conditions return c
[docs] def requires(self, *conditions): ''' Specifiy other options/conditions which this argument requires. :param conditions: required conditions :type others: sequence of either :class:`Option` or :class:`Condition`s ''' [self._parser._set_requires(self.argname, x) for x in conditions] return self
def condition(self, func): self._conditions.append(func) return self
[docs] def conflicts(self, *conditions): ''' Specifiy other conditions which this argument conflicts with. :param conditions: conflicting options/conditions :type conditions: sequence of either :class:`Option` or :class:`Condition` ''' [self._parser._set_conflicts(self.argname, x) for x in conditions] return self
def __str__(self): v = '%s%s' % (self._parser._double_prefix, self.argname) alias = self._alias() if alias: v += '/%s%s' % (self._parser._single_prefix, alias) return v
[docs] def shorthand(self, alias): ''' Set shorthand for this argument. Shorthand arguments are 1 character in length and are prefixed by a single '-'. For example: >>> parser.str('option').shorthand('o') would cause '--option' and '-o' to be alias argument labels when invoked on the command line. :param alias: alias of argument ''' self._parser._add_shorthand(self.argname, alias) return self
[docs] def default(self, value): ''' Provide a default value for this argument. ''' self._parser._set_default(self.argname, value) return self
[docs] def environment(self): ''' Pull argument value from OS environment if unspecified. The case of the argument name, all lower, and all upper are all tried. For example, if the argument name is `Port`, the following names will be used for environment lookups: `Port`, `port`, `PORT`. >>> with Parser(locals()) as p: ...'port').environment() Both command lines work: :: python --port 5000 export PORT=5000; python ''' default = os.environ.get(self.argname) if default is None: default = os.environ.get(self.argname.lower()) if default is None: default = os.environ.get(self.argname.upper()) if default is not None: return self.default(default) return self
def name(self): return self.argname
[docs] def cast(self, cast): ''' Provide a casting value for this argument. ''' self._parser._casts[self.argname] = cast return self
[docs] def required(self): ''' Indicate that this argument is required. ''' self._parser._set_required(self.argname) return self
[docs] def if_(self, condition): ''' Argument is required if ``conditions``. ''' self._parser._set_required(self.argname, [-condition]) return self
[docs] def unless(self, condition): ''' Argument is required unless ``conditions``. ''' self._parser._set_required(self.argname, [condition]) return self
[docs] def unspecified_default(self): ''' Indicate that values passed without argument labels will be attributed to this argument. ''' self._parser._set_unspecified_default(self.argname) return self
[docs] def multiple(self): ''' Indicate that the argument can be specified multiple times. ''' self._parser._set_multiple(self.argname) return self # --- conditions
def _inner_satisfied(self, parsed): v = parsed.get(self.argname) return v is not None and v != False def _make_condition(self, func, other): return CallableCondition(func, self, other) def __le__(self, other): return self._make_condition(operator.__le__, other) def __lt__(self, other): return self._make_condition(operator.__lt__, other) def __gt__(self, other): return self._make_condition(operator.__gt__, other) def __ge__(self, other): return self._make_condition(operator.__ge__, other) def __eq__(self, other): return self._make_condition(operator.__eq__, other) def __ne__(self, other): return self._make_condition(operator.__ne__, other) def __hash__(self): return hash(str(self.argname)) # -- private access methods def _cast(self): return self._parser._casts.get(self.argname) def _isrequired(self): return self in self._parser._required def _getconflicts(self): return self._parser._conflicts.get(self, []) def _getreqs(self): return self._parser._requires.get(self, []) def _alias(self): return self._parser._source_to_alias.get(self.argname) # ---------- Argument readers ---------- # # Argument readers help parse the command line. The flow is as follows: # # 1) We create a reader for each argument based on the type specified by the # programmer (e.g., a bool will get a _FlagArgumentReader # # 2) The reader is used when we hit the argument label
class _ArgumentReader(object): class _UNSPECIFIED(object): def __repr__(self): return 'UNSPECIFIED' UNSPECIFIED = _UNSPECIFIED() def __init__(self, parent): self.value = _ArgumentReader.UNSPECIFIED self.parent = parent self._init() def consume_or_skip(self, arg): raise NotImplementedError() def _init(self): raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def default(cls): return _ArgumentReader.UNSPECIFIED class _MultiWordArgumentReader(_ArgumentReader): def _init(self): self.value = [] def consume_or_skip(self, arg): if self.parent._is_argument_label(arg): return False self.value.append(arg) return True def get(self): if len(self.value) == 0: raise MissingValueError return ' '.join(self.value) class _FlagArgumentReader(_ArgumentReader): def _init(self): self.value = True def consume_or_skip(self, arg): return False def get(self): return self.value @classmethod def default(cls): return False class _SingleWordReader(_ArgumentReader): def _init(self): pass def consume_or_skip(self, arg): if self.value is not _ArgumentReader.UNSPECIFIED: return False self.value = arg return True def get(self): if self.value is _ArgumentReader.UNSPECIFIED: raise MissingValueError return self.value # ---------- Argument readers ---------- # class Group(Option): def __init__(self, parser, *names): self._parser = parser # super(Group, self).__init__('group', parser) self._names = names self.argname = self def default(self, name): if name not in self._names: raise ValueError('%s not in group' % name) self._default = name return self def _is_satisfied(self, parsed): for item in self._names: if item._is_satisfied(parsed): return True return False def __str__(self): return ', '.join([str(name) for name in self._names]) class FakeSystemExit(ValueError): # Used for testing pass
[docs]class Parser(object): ''' Command line parser. ''' def __init__(self, store=None, default_help=True): self._options = {} self._readers = {} self._option_labels = {} self._multiple = set() self._casts = {} self._defaults = {} self._extras = [] self._unspecified_default = None self.require_n = {} # dict of A (required) -> args that could replace A if A is not # specified self._required = {} # dict of A -> args that A depends on self._requires = {} # dict of A -> args that A conflicts with self._conflicts = {} self._alias = {} self._source_to_alias = {} # convert arg labels to understore in value dict self._to_underscore = False # prefix to shorthand args self._single_prefix = '-' # prefix to fullname args self._double_prefix = '--' # help message self._help_prefix = None self._suppress_sys_exit = False self._out = sys.stdout # set by user self._init_user_set(store) if default_help: self.flag('help').shorthand('h') def _init_user_set(self, store=None): if store is None: store = {} self._store = store self._namemaps = {} self._rnamemaps = {}
[docs] def set_help_prefix(self, message): ''' Indicate text to appear before argument list when the ``help`` function is triggered. ''' self._help_prefix = message return self
[docs] def underscore(self): ''' Convert '-' to '_' in argument names. This is enabled if ``with_locals`` is used, as variable naming rules are applied. ''' self._to_underscore = True return self
[docs] def set_single_prefix(self, flag): ''' Set the single flag prefix. This appears before short arguments (e.g., -a). ''' if self._double_prefix in flag: raise ValueError('single_prefix cannot be superset of double_prefix') self._single_prefix = flag return self
[docs] def set_double_prefix(self, flag): ''' Set the double flag prefix. This appears before long arguments (e.g., --arg). ''' if flag in self._single_prefix: raise ValueError('single_flag cannot be superset of double_flag') self._double_prefix = flag return self
def use_aliases(self): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod
[docs] def with_locals(cls): ''' Create :class:`Parser` using locals() dict. ''' import inspect vals = inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals return Parser(vals).underscore() # --- types --- #
[docs] def config(self, name): ''' Add configuration file, whose key/value pairs will provide/replace any arguments created for this parser. For example: >>> with Parser() as p: ...'a') ... p.str('b') ... p.config('conf') Now, arg ``a`` can be specfied on the command line, or in the configuration file passed to ``conf``. For example: :: python --a 3 python --conf myconfig.cfg Where myconfig.cfg: :: [myconfigfile] a = 5 b = 9 x = 'hello' Note that any parameters in the config that aren't created as arguments via this parser are ignored. In the example above, the values of variables ``a`` and ``b`` would be assigned, while ``x`` would be ignored (as the developer did not create an ``x`` argument). If anything is specified on the command line, its value is not taken from the config file. For example: :: python --a 3 --config myconfig.cfg In this case, the value of ``a`` is 3 (from the command line) and not 5 (from the config file). ''' return self.str(name).cast(_ConfigCaster)
[docs] def int(self, name): ''' Add integer argument. ''' return self._add_option(name).cast(int)
[docs] def float(self, name): ''' Add float argument. ''' return self._add_option(name).cast(float) # def enum(self, name, values): # ''' Add enum type. ''' # # def inner(value): # if not value in values: # raise InvalidEnumValueError() # return value # # return self._add_option(name).cast(inner)
[docs] def str(self, name): ''' Add :py:class:`str` argument. ''' return self._add_option(name)
[docs] def range(self, name): ''' Range type. Accepts similar values to that of python's py:`range` and py:`xrange`. Accepted delimiters are space, -, and :. >>> with Parser() as p: ... p.range('values') Now accepts: :: python --values 10 # -> xrange(10) python --values 0-1 # -> xrange(0, 1) python --values 0:10:2 # -> xrange(0, 10, 2) python --values 0 10 3 # -> xrange(0, 10, 3) ''' result = self._add_option(name).cast(_RangeCaster) self._set_reader(name, _MultiWordArgumentReader) return result
[docs] def multiword(self, name): ''' Accepts multiple terms as an argument. For example: >>> with Parser() as p: ... p.multiword('multi') Now accepts: :: python --multi path to something ''' result = self._add_option(name) self._set_reader(name, _MultiWordArgumentReader) return result
[docs] def bool(self, name): ''' Alias of :func:`flag`. ''' return self.flag(name)
[docs] def flag(self, name): ''' Boolean value. The presence of this flag indicates a true value, while an absence indicates false. No arguments. ''' result = self._add_option(name) self._set_reader(name, _FlagArgumentReader) return result
[docs] def file(self, name, mode=None, buffering=None): ''' Opens the file indicated by the name passed by the user. ``mode`` and ``buffering`` are arguments passed to ``open``. The example below implements a file copy operation: >>> with Parser(locals()) as p: ... p.file('input_file') ... p.file('output_file', mode='w') ... ... output_file.write( ''' return self.multiword(name).cast(_FileOpenerCaster(mode, buffering))
[docs] def directory(self, name, create=False): ''' File directory value. Checks to ensure that the user passed file name exists and is a directory (i.e., not some other file object). If ``create`` is specified, creates the directory using ``os.makedirs``; any intermediate directories are also created. ''' return self.multiword(name).cast(_DirectoryOpenerCaster(create))
[docs] def url(self, name): ''' URL value; verifies that argument has a scheme (e.g., http, ftp, file). ''' def parse(value): if urlparse(value).scheme == '': raise FormatError('%s not valid URL' % value) return value self.str(name).cast(parse) # --- aggregate calls --- #
[docs] def at_least_one(self, *args): ''' Require at least one of ``args``. ''' return self._require_at_least_one(*args)
[docs] def require_one(self, *args): ''' Require only and only one of ``args``. ''' self._set_one_required(*args) return Group(self, *args)
[docs] def all_if_any(self, *args): ''' If *any* of ``args`` is specified, then all of ``args`` must be specified. ''' list(starmap(self._set_requires, permutations(args, 2))) return Group(self, *args)
[docs] def only_one_if_any(self, *args): ''' If *any* of ``args`` is specified, then none of the remaining ``args`` may be specified.''' list(starmap(self._set_conflicts, permutations(args, 2))) return Group(self, *args)
def __getitem__(self, name): return Option(name, self) # --- private --- # def _require_at_least_one(self, *names): ''' At least one of the arguments is required. ''' s = set(names) for v in s: self._set_required(v, s - set([v])) return Group(self, *names) @localize def _set_unspecified_default(self, name): if self._unspecified_default is not None: raise ValueError('Trying to specify multiple unspecified defaults') self._unspecified_default = name @localize @_verify_args_exist @_names_to_options def _set_required(self, arg, replacements=None): newreplacements = [] for item in replacements or []: if not isinstance(item, (Option, Condition)): item = self._options[item] newreplacements.append(item) self._required.setdefault(arg, []).extend(newreplacements) @localize def _set_reader(self, name, option): self._readers[name] = option def _add_shorthand(self, source, alias): if source not in self._readers: raise ValueError('%s not an option' % source) if alias in self._alias: raise ValueError('{0} already shorthand for {1}'.format(alias, self._alias[alias])) self._alias[alias] = source self._source_to_alias[source] = alias def _add_option(self, name, argument_label=None): name = self._localize(name) if name in self._readers: raise ValueError('multiple types specified for %s' % name) self._readers[name] = _SingleWordReader if argument_label is not None: self._option_labels[name] = argument_label o = Option(name, self) self._options[name] = o return o def _getoption(self, option): o = self._readers.get(option, None) if o is not None: return option, o source = self._alias.get(option, None) if source is None: return option, None return source, self._readers.get(source, None) def _localize(self, key): if self._to_underscore: modified = key.replace('-', '_') self._rnamemaps.setdefault(modified, key) return self._namemaps.setdefault(key, modified) return key def _unlocalize(self, key): v = self._rnamemaps.get(key, None) if v is None: # already unlocalized(?) return key return v def _tokenize(self, args): new_args = [] for arg in args: if '=' in arg: new_args += arg.split('=') else: new_args.append(arg) return new_args def _is_argument_label(self, arg): return (arg.startswith(self._single_prefix) or arg.startswith(self._double_prefix)) def _parse(self, tokenized): argument_value = None parsed = {} for arg in tokenized: if argument_value is not None: if argument_value.consume_or_skip(arg): continue argument_value = None argument_name = None if self._is_argument_label(arg): is_full = arg.startswith(self._double_prefix) if is_full: prefix = self._double_prefix else: prefix = self._single_prefix arg = arg[len(prefix):] argument_name = self._localize(arg) if is_full: argument_name = self._options.get(argument_name).argname argument_value = self._readers.get(argument_name) else: argument_name = self._options.get(self._alias.get(argument_name)).argname argument_value = self._readers.get(argument_name) if argument_value is None: raise UnspecifiedArgumentError(argument_name) argument_value = argument_value(self) elif self._unspecified_default is not None: argument_name = self._unspecified_default # push value onto _SingleWordReader argument_value = _SingleWordReader(self) argument_value.consume_or_skip(arg) if argument_name: parsed.setdefault(argument_name, []).append(argument_value) else: self._extras.append(arg) return parsed def _help_if_necessary(self, processed): if 'help' in processed: self.print_help() sys.exit(0) def _assign_defaults(self, parsed): assigned = {} for key, value in iteritems(self._readers): if key in parsed: continue cast = self._casts.get(key) cast = cast if cast else lambda x: x if key in self._defaults: value = self._defaults[key] else: value = value.default() assigned[key] = value return assigned def _assign_configs(self, parsed, valid_args): argvalues = {} for key, values in iteritems(parsed): cast = self._casts.get(key) if cast and cast == _ConfigCaster: value = values[0].get() for k, v in cast(value): if k in valid_args: argvalues[k] = v return argvalues def _assign(self, parsed): argvalues = {} argvalues.update(self._assign_defaults(parsed)) argvalues.update(self._assign_configs(parsed, set(argvalues.keys()))) for key, values in iteritems(parsed): try: if key not in self._multiple: value = values[0].get() else: value = [v.get() for v in values] if value is _ArgumentReader.UNSPECIFIED: continue argvalues[key] = value except MissingValueError: raise MissingValueError('%s specified but missing given value' % key) assigned = {} for key, value in iteritems(argvalues): cast = self._casts.get(key) if value is _ArgumentReader.UNSPECIFIED: value = None elif cast: if cast == _ConfigCaster: continue try: if isinstance(value, list): newv = [] values = value for value in values: newv.append(cast(value)) value = newv else: value = cast(value) except FormatError: raise except ValueError as e: raise FormatError('Cannot cast \'%s\' to %s' % (value, cast)) assigned[key] = value return assigned def _check_multiple(self, assigned): for key, values in iteritems(assigned): if len(values) > 1 and key not in self._multiple: raise MultipleSpecifiedArgumentError(('%s specified multiple' + ' times') % self._options[key]) def _check_conditions(self, assigned): for arg in iterkeys(assigned): for cond in self._options[arg]._conditions: if not cond(assigned): raise FailedConditionError() def _check_required(self, assigned): for arg, replacements in iteritems(self._required): missing = [] if not arg._is_satisfied(assigned): for v in replacements: if isinstance(v, Group): missing += v._names elif not isinstance(v, Condition): missing.append(v) if v._is_satisfied(assigned): break else: if missing: raise ManyAllowedNoneSpecifiedArgumentError([arg] + missing) else: raise MissingRequiredArgumentError(arg) def _check_dependencies(self, assigned): for arg, deps in iteritems(self._requires): if arg._is_satisfied(assigned): for v in deps: if not v._is_satisfied(assigned): if isinstance(v, CallableCondition): raise ConditionError(arg.argname, v) raise DependencyError(arg, v) def _check_conflicts(self, assigned): for arg, conflicts in iteritems(self._conflicts): if arg._is_satisfied(assigned): for conflict in conflicts: if conflict._is_satisfied(assigned): raise ConflictError(arg.argname, conflict.argname) def _verify(self, assigned): self._check_conditions(assigned) self._check_required(assigned) self._check_dependencies(assigned) self._check_conflicts(assigned) def _assign_to_store(self, assigned): for key, value in iteritems(assigned): self._store[key] = value @_options_to_names def _set_one_required(self, *names): self.only_one_if_any(*names) self._require_at_least_one(*names) def _get_args(self, args): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if not isinstance(args, list): raise TypeError('%s not list' % args) return args def _process_command_line(self, args=None): try: args = self._get_args(args) tokenized = self._tokenize(args) parsed = self._parse(tokenized) self._help_if_necessary(parsed) self._check_multiple(parsed) assigned = self._assign(parsed) self._verify(assigned) self._assign_to_store(assigned) except ArgumentError as e: raise e # self._init_user_set() # reset return self._store def emit(self, *args): print(*args, file=self._out) def process_command_line(self, args=None): try: return self._process_command_line(args) except ArgumentError as e: self.bail(e) def bail(self, e): msg = [] msg.append('Error: ' + str(e)) msg.append('usage: %s' % sys.argv[0]) msg.append(' '.join('[%s]' % self._label(value) for value in self._options.values())) self.emit('\n'.join(msg)) if self._suppress_sys_exit: raise FakeSystemExit sys.exit(1) @localize @_options_to_names def _set_multiple(self, name): self._multiple.add(name) @localize @_options_to_names def _set_default(self, name, value): self._defaults[name] = value @_localize_all @_verify_args_exist @_names_to_options def _set_requires(self, a, b): self._requires.setdefault(a, []).append(b) @_localize_all @_verify_args_exist @_options_to_names def set_requires_n_of(self, a, n, *others): self.require_n[a] = (n, others) @_localize_all @_verify_args_exist @_names_to_options def _set_conflicts(self, a, b): self._conflicts.setdefault(a, []).append(b) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): if exc_type is None or isinstance(exc_type, ArgumentError): self.process_command_line() return True return False def _option_label(self, name, opt): label = self._option_labels.get(name) if label is not None: return label if opt._cast() is int: return 'int' if opt._cast() is float: return 'float' if opt._cast() is float: return 'float' if opt._cast() is _RangeCaster: return 'range' return 'option' def _label(self, opt): pkey = str(opt) reader = self._readers[opt.argname] if reader != _FlagArgumentReader: pkey = '%s <%s>' % (pkey, self._option_label(opt.argname, opt)) return pkey def print_help(self): if self._help_prefix: self.emit(self._help_prefix) self.emit('Arguments: (! denotes required argument)') column_width = -1 for key, value in iteritems(self._options): column_width = max(column_width, len(self._label(value))) fmt = ' %-' + str(column_width) + 's' for key, value in iteritems(self._options): msg = fmt % self._label(value) if value._isrequired(): msg = '!' + msg[1:] conflicts = value._getconflicts() if conflicts: msg += ' (Conflicts with %s)' % ', '.join(str(item) for item in conflicts) reqs = value._getreqs() if reqs: msg += ' (Requires %s)' % ', '.join(str(item) for item in reqs) self.emit(msg)
__all__ = ['Parser'] __version__ = '0.2.22a'

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